Official tourism website for Cork, Ireland

A film directed and produced by Scooter Twomey using footage he recorded over a year with Los Langeros - a bunch of Irish, Scottish and English musicians who were based in Cork in the late 2000s and early 2010s. They played a “punkabilly ska-tinged medley of singalong choruses and distorted 12-string melodies guaranteed to work any crowd into a screaming slobbering mess”. Fiercely independent, they were the ‘highest band in Ireland’ when they played a gig on top of Carrantuohill (along with Ten Past Seven).

The film documents the times, the band and the audience - which was as much a community - around them

* CineCeoil Festival is trialling a 'pay what you can' model on the ticket price. *

* The Money is split between the film makers, festival costs and future CineCeoil projects *

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