inside getTouristInfoByURL(the-lido, 2) The Lido | Pure Cork | Things-to-do
Official tourism website for Cork, Ireland

The Lido is a former cinema built in the 1930s and now home to Cork Community Art Link.

Creating participatory street celebrations that engage and connect with new audiences. grounded in local contexts and with a unique artistic narrative with its roots in the street - community celebration and spectacle.

From Patrick's Day and Bona night in Middle Parish in the 1990's to the Dragon of Shandon (Halloween) in we work in partnership with people to co-create, celebrate and imagine together.

Each street spectacle project undertaken by CCAL is based on an extensive outreach programme in partnership with the community and voluntary sector. High standards of artistic excellence are encouraged as is the researching of new techniques and ways of making unique puppets and props.

Voluntary participation is the cornerstone of each project with ample opportunities for adults to come along, learn new skills and make a creative contribution to the community.

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