inside getTouristInfoByURL(cork-city-walks-guided-tour, 2) Cork City Walks (Guided Tour) | Pure Cork | Things-to-do
Official tourism website for Cork, Ireland

During a walk, the story of Cork, its history, its people, colourful culture, Corkonian wit and special traditions are recounted.

In the company of a Fáilte Ireland trained local guide, guests will experience the smells and sounds of the English Market, stroll the busy lanes of the 18th century Huguenot Quarter and wonder at Burges’s magnificent French neo-gothic cathedral on Cork’s southern hills vying with the iconic pepper pot tower of St. Annes, Shandon on the northern hills.

Mindful that a healthy walk generates a good appetite, guides will indicate a variety of options where one might eat, drink and enjoy the best entertainment Cork has to offer at the time of a visit.

Public (April-October) and private (all year round) city walking tours.

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