Official tourism website for Cork, Ireland

The Embodied Archetypes workshop are creative and playful and empowering workshops led by former medical doctor, theatre maker and composer Lewis Barfoot. They use the power of myths and archetypes to provide a safe and sacred space to express yourself through body, voice and ritual. They may support people to make bold choices in their lives, heal old wounds and let go of bad habits. In the Mother & Inner Child workshop you will Learn techniques to cultivate calm, power and re-parent your Inner Child with the energy of the benevolent Mother archetype. The workshop will include: Intention setting, Breathe exercises, Dancing together, Self Soothing Exercises, Time for reflection and sharing, a guided Mother Earth visualisation and Singing. You do not need to be a mother to attend. You do not need to be biologically female. It is open to all genders, for people wishing to cultivate their own mothering facility for themselves.
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