Array ( [0] => Array ( [infoID] => 1230 [0] => 1230 [clientID] => 0 [1] => 0 [venue] => Oysterhaven Activity Centre [2] => Oysterhaven Activity Centre [address] => Oysterhaven, Kinsale, Co. Cork [3] => Oysterhaven, Kinsale, Co. Cork [tags] => west cork family fun [4] => west cork family fun [address_ga_IE] => [5] => [gps] => 51.70164838327922,-8.437467813491821 [6] => 51.70164838327922,-8.437467813491821 [location] => 7 [7] => 7 [town_ID] => 25 [8] => 25 [category] => 43 [9] => 43 [sub_cat] => [10] => [short_info] => Family run activity centre in beautiful surroundings [11] => Family run activity centre in beautiful surroundings [info] =>

There's something special about Oysterhaven - the beauty of the location, the sheer fun of the activities, the friendliness of the staff, the quality of the training - all combining to produce an intangible atmosphere that people return for year after year and refer to as `The Spirit of Oysterhaven`.

The Centre was established in 1981 by its current owners, Oliver and Kate, as Ireland's first windsurfing centre.

[12] =>

There's something special about Oysterhaven - the beauty of the location, the sheer fun of the activities, the friendliness of the staff, the quality of the training - all combining to produce an intangible atmosphere that people return for year after year and refer to as `The Spirit of Oysterhaven`.

The Centre was established in 1981 by its current owners, Oliver and Kate, as Ireland's first windsurfing centre.

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Official tourism website for Cork, Ireland

There's something special about Oysterhaven - the beauty of the location, the sheer fun of the activities, the friendliness of the staff, the quality of the training - all combining to produce an intangible atmosphere that people return for year after year and refer to as `The Spirit of Oysterhaven`.

The Centre was established in 1981 by its current owners, Oliver and Kate, as Ireland's first windsurfing centre.

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