Official tourism website for Cork, Ireland

The Mo Chuisle Healing Breathwork Journeys are back in the spectacular YogaNook Dome in Carrigadrohid, Cork (Approx 10 mins from Macroom, 30 mins from Cork City) Saturday 15th June 2024 @ 11am - 1.30pm Embark on a magical healing breathwork journey of self discovery & inner exploration using your own breath to connect to deeper parts of yourself. A full mind & body reset. Healing Breath, is a holistic and psychotherapeutic approach to self-care and self-healing which can work on all levels including your physical, mental, emotional & spiritual well-being. The active ‘’conscious connected’’ breath can help to shift any internal stuck energy and tension in the body, expand insight, clarity and intuition, giving a full mind and body reset, leaving you feeling lighter and relaxed with a deep sense of inner peace and compassion. By consciously controlling your breath for an extended period of time, you are able to access your subconscious mind and activate your parasympathetic nervous system for a deep relaxation state of being and healing. Contact Dara for more information or to book your place / 087-2693689
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