inside getTouristInfoByURL(titanic-experience, 2) Titanic Experience | Pure Cork | Things-to-do
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Titanic Experience Cobh is located in Casement Square in the heart of Cobh Town. Our home is the original White Star Line Ticket Office a building steeped in history dating back to the early 19th century and the departure point for many thousands of White Star Line passengers. When you arrive, check-in with us at reception and let us tell you the story of those 123 passengers.

Upon check-in you will receive your boarding card. Your boarding card will have the details of one of the 123 passengers who came to the White Star Line Ticket Office on Thursday April 11th 1912. These were the final passengers to join Titanic at her last port of call in Queenstown, Ireland. (Cobh was renamed Queenstown from the period of 1849-1921 in honour of Queen Victoria’s visit to Cobh and so we refer to Cobh as Queenstown for much of our story.)

Your personal tour-guide will take you on a virtual journey to board the tenders and join Titanic for her maiden voyage to New York.

Along this journey you will view the original pier also known as Heartbreak Pier, which was the last point of land contact for the Queenstown passengers

During your visit, you will experience life aboard Titanic and learn a little about the conditions on board for third and first class passengers.

When disaster strikes, you will experience the chill of the sinking, through a unique cinematographic experience.

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