inside getTouristInfoByURL(nano-nagle-birthplace-tour, 2) Nano Nagle Birthplace - Tour | Pure Cork | Things-to-do
Official tourism website for Cork, Ireland

Nano Nagle was born in Ballygriffin, County Cork, Ireland in 1718 when the English had imposed the oppressive Penal Laws, which severely limited the Irish people. The Irish were denied access economically, politically, socially, and educationally to the rights and means that would have raised them from the imposed poverty and oppression. It was a crime of treason (punishable by death) to educate the Irish and it was forbidden to practice the Roman Catholic faith.

After returning to Ireland from Paris with an education, events lead Nano to consider a way that she could help the poor she saw every day in Cork and on the family estate.

Distressed by the ignorance of the Irish in both faith and academics, she opened her first school in 1754 with an enrolment of thirty-five girls in a two-room cabin. These began her great work of education and as some historians have noted her important work in saving the Irish culture.

Without regard for her own safety, she selflessly educated the children during the day and visited and nursed the sick by night. As a result, she became known in Cork as the Lady with the Lantern, the symbol of the Sisters of the Presentation worldwide. Today the people of Ireland, especially in Cork, who attribute their freedom to her, revere her.

At Nano Nagle's Birthplace, in north Cork, a short drive east from Mallow, visitors are always welcome.

1 Hour Visit - A Heritage & Organic Garden Tour, €7 p/p

Visit to the heritage room with guided introduction to Nano Nagle story in the Blackwater Valley in the early 1800’s. Guided walk around our grounds and environmental features of the centre. Tea/Coffee/cake.

2 Hour Visit - A Heritage & Organic Garden Tour with Cosmic Walk, €10 p/p

As above with The Cosmic Walk. This is a 2KM walk through fields, woodlands and by the river bank telling the story of the evolution of the universe. Tea/Coffee/cake.

Half Day Visit 3 - 4 hours: €25 p/p

Garden Tour, Tea/Coffee, Heritage Tour, Cosmic Walk & Lunch

Full Day Visit 5 - 6 hours €35 p/p

Garden Tour, Tea/Coffee, Heritage Tour, Cosmic Walk & Lunch with meditation/reflection session

Groups - A tailored programme can be developed for group tours.

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