inside getTouristInfoByURL(camden-fort-meagher, 2) Camden Fort Meagher | Pure Cork | Things-to-do
Official tourism website for Cork, Ireland

Camden Fort Meagher is a spectacularly situated 45-acre coastal defence fortification originally built in the 16th Century to defend the mouth of Cork Harbour, and internationally regarded as one of the finest remaining examples of a classical Coastal Artillery Fort in the world.

The Fort offers stunning views of Cork harbour and makes for a terrific family day out - Camden Fort Meagher is steeped in immense military history, and for almost 400 years played a significant role as a strong strategic position for the defence of Ireland. With 65% of the fort located underground in a labyrinth of tunnels and chambers, the scale of the site, the beauty of its location and stunning views, and the very extensive range of historic buildings and defence works will impress visitors and stimulate their desire to learn more about the site, its history and the people who lived and worked there.

The Fort and Tearooms are open to the public Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holiday Monday’s from the 28th May until the 11st September.

Opening Hours:

12.00pm to 5.00 pm, Saturday’s Sunday’s and Bank holiday Monday’s, from 28th May to 11th September 2022, with last entry at 4.15. Private group tours available on request. Further details on planned events and re-enactments are available at

Entry Fees:

Adult: €7.50

Concession/Student/Child: €5

Adult + Child: €10

2 Adult + 2 Children: €20

2 Adult + 3 or 4 Children: €25

Under Three Years: FREE

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